The Right Time: Healing is Ongoing

As we move forward from the week of “thanks” and into the fullness of the holiday season we are met with many opportunities to engage ourselves with others.  Family gatherings, seeing friends and being with loved ones are a part of this time of year.

We are encouraged by watching others and their efforts to connect and share time together and exchange in their appreciation of one another.  For many who find this holiday season to be one where they are struggling with an illness or physical imbalance; this can pose a challenge.

When we are unwell we often find that our bodies and mind seek places of refuge from activities.  We gravitate to our solitude and look for opportunities to rest from being engaging.  This is normal, as any other spirited being- animals are the same- as we follow similar patterns of caring for ourselves.  We due ourselves good to listen inward and take care of ourselves.  While this is encouraged, it is also important that when we find ourselves moving even slightly in the direction of wanting to open our doors to others; it behooves us to do so.

Healing is a process that is ongoing within our lives when we take the time to be in tuned with ourselves and act accordingly.  There is no set begin and end point.  We may set ourselves up for disappointment if we follow the guidelines that keep us fixed in the space of “waiting”; waiting until we are better; waiting until we can get around better; waiting until we feel up to it and so on and so on.

By creating these boundaries to how and when we allow our healing to happen, we disengage with our natural rhythm that encourages us to move ahead and re-engage with loved ones.  We, as human beings need one another.  Studies have been done that show people who stay isolated from physical and or social contact have their health deteriorate as easily as they would have engaging in unhealthy choices.

The right time to do what you want to do and participate in life is NOW.  Take time to find your rhythm, do a check-in and see where you are at with your physical, mental and emotional health and see where you may give yourself a healthy boost of life energy.  You might be surprised at what you discover.

So call up that friend who has left countless messages on your phone, visit that museum around the corner, or ask about that course you’ve wanted to take; you’ve been preparing for this whole time…you just didn’t know it.

Healing is ongoing…so get going.

In health,


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