Contact me at: U4UYOGA@Gmail.com

What’s Working with Safara Like

I absolutely KNOW in my cells, that I was transformed in concrete obvious ways as well as subtle, hidden, and still-unfolding ways. My evolution of space–both internal and external–feels potent and accessible.
Anyways, I think you are an amazing and powerful healer and would recommend you without reservation to anyone! If you have a potential client who would like a reference, I’d be thrilled to report on how the work with you helped me evolve, and how loving and
welcoming your presence is, and how supported and helped I felt by you during this challenging work.

I’m ready to take what you taught me and nurtured in me and run with these lessons. I feel propelled and internally guided and like I know what I have to do. It seems like I’m putting a lot of energy and focus into just Doing The Things (organizing, staying organized, feeling good about my space) Ethan- Hadley, MA

The first word that comes to mind when I think of Safara, and our session is “presence”.

I struggle with nurturing my inner space and outer space, and I felt that both of these aspects of my person were held lovingly and intentionally whilst working together. I inquired about embodied yoga because I specifically wanted assistance letting go of a large volume of sentimental items that were not being honored, were taking up lots of space in my home, and were pulling at my heartstrings. I was feeling emotionally stuck and anxious about the whole thing. Safara skillfully took me through approaching this challenge with steadiness and gentleness, which was a refreshing contrast from my usual inner monologue of ‘shoulds’ and shame. I felt guided, was provided with a roadmap, and left our time together with encouragement and ideas. She was entirely non-judgmental and kept me focused on the process, and in the moment.

If you are finding that your physical space and the items within it are disrupting your peace, or fostering a feeling of ‘stuckness’, I cannot recommend embodied yoga with Safara enough. I am so relieved I asked for help and tried something new. Laura-Baltimore, MD