Summer Yang Energy: Healing Tips

Good day Health Trekkers,

As we enter this new month of June, the air, temperatures, sounds and landscapes are changing.  The flowering buds from the spring have had their peak colors, the trees that boasted ripe reds and pink and yellow have given way to their green leave beauty.  The temperatures are following with the warm steady winds and sunshine that keep us in mind that summer is before us.  The birds are awake busy with their lives.  Within this movement of spring to summer yang ruled by fire is a transition into a brighter and stronger presences of expression of nature and ourselves.

It is an opportunity to embrace growth, expansion, light. So what does this look like in our daily lives?

Relationships: Heart focused.  Mind and Spirit together.  It’s an invitation to authenticity and authenticity is healing. To find the joy in being fully present to yourself and others is one way to honor this season.  The fire element of the season circulates deep in our core this season, illuminating our heart, spirit and mind with light warmth.  We do ourselves good to tune into these spaces, feel the heat and channel it wisely.

1. What ways can I expand my relationships with those I love?

2. What parts of myself am I honoring with voice?

3. Do I have areas that need more light, more attention to shine and reveal a deeper richer me?  What does that look like?

4. Where do I emotionally need to step back look deeper?

5. How can I take better care of others?

Foods: The warm deep colorful spring in our flowers and trees have produced the beautiful abundance of colors alive within natures abundance of fruits, vegetables and herbs.  These live vitamins, nutrients enriching bright colors bring nutritional benefits.  The organs that are in need of our attention are our heart and small intestine so eating heart smart and intestinal conscience is helpful.

Greens: Bitter greens, kale, escarole, scallions

Red lentils: are a wonderful easy digestible bean that can cook up quickly so you don’t spend lots of time in the kitchen.

Fermented tempeh: with healing probiotics is a great options for summer.

I hope with these tips you can find yourself with the abundance of this new energy happy and in joy with the season.

In health,



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