Fall in Love with the Season:CHANGE

Healthy Trekkers,

Good day. The fall season brings with it so much change and it lingers in the air with us each day. Its part of its beauty and majestic nature to it while at the same time it calls up the feelings of change on so many levels and this can be unsettling.  I was in the supermarket this week and the person behind the counter said they didn’t like fall because its change and that’s the problem with living up here in Massachusetts with the seasons you are always reminded of change.

This had me stop and pause.  It gave me such a perspective on what we do not welcome when we react to what we perceive is negative while it can offer us much goodness.  This inspired me to revisit the season.  Lets see how we can fall in love with this season and respect it for what it is.  Yes, change but change that can be nourishing.

So lets look at what we can do to help support ourselves with CHANGE.

Our Body- We may find ourselves with bellies acting up with the season as we know Fall pronounces itself in this area.  We may become symptomatic out of nowhere and ask ourselves why.  Well, now that we know its going to happen how can we make sure we take care of ourselves?  We can by slowing down and into the pace of our day.  Take time for that nap if it’s a matter of 20 mins snooze it will feel so good and what better to do in the wind n willow of the day.

Curl up with a good book, tea and a hot water bottle and nestle in.  Bring warmth to your belly, the hot water bottle by your side and make the meals that bring you satisfaction of being warmed from the inside. This is the time to break out the crock pot and the pressure cooker and start getting ready to use these.

Our Mind-We do ourselves good when we replace the fears and the discomforts with renewed thoughts that center us and enable us to sit with our discomfort of change and process.  We can do so by taking out dusting off that journal we were busy writing in last year.  Start a new page or buy a new one.  Get those thoughts out on paper and give it a go.  Paint, draw find your voice in the arts.

Our Spirit- The season of change revisits our spirit and sits with us sharing in the journey that was alive in the summer hot and warm calling us to come within its quieted season.  We do well to ask what we seek our spirit to kindle and what healing we need at this time. Also to sit with our spirit in meditation for longer period of time or use our spiritual community gatherings for the harvests they offer from good friends and neighbors to enjoy.  Join your spirits in communion with others.

So take time to fall in love with all that this season can bring restorative in its CHANGE.  It only happens once a year so be kind for its purpose.

In health,


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