Be with Nature: Healthy Routine

Happy Fall to all,

Whether you are in an environment that opens up to the colors and textures of the fall foliage or not each of us recognize this time in our calendar for subtle shifts in nature we may observe wherever we live.  For many of us this time of the year starts a routine of life with new beginnings.  I know New Years is typically where we start our resolutions but the fall season observed or experienced calls us to stop and take note of natures examples to us of the process of living and the importance of maintaining our balance through transitions.  It is a good opportunity we have to take a moment to be in communion with Mother Nature while reflecting on the body, mind and spirit.


As we have moved from summer into fall, our bodies have begun to make their adjustments to the temperatures.  We begin to feel the ting of the cooling air on our skin and  we gravitate to ways to keep warm.  This can often mean we change our exercise routine- join the gym and take less time than we had outdoors.  But, the cooling temperatures can be a good way to revive the body.  The fresh air that we inhale strengthens our lungs and the circulation pumps fresh blood and oxygen throughout our bodies.   We may experience our limbs less pliable with each step as it takes more time for them to warm up but this process too is good for your body to work through.  Light exercises outside like walking are a great way to continue to enjoy the season.


The season of fall brings us into focus on the tasks that have been set aside for the summer that have now renewed their place in our lives.  If we have children, the back to school beginnings of fall have now led into their routine of our lives and we are fully engaged in our attention to attending to the scheduling: day care, after school sports and homework. Even without children, our lives at this time of year fall into patterns of doing that require our attention more concretely than in the summer.  It is helpful to incorporate opportunities that allow us to slow down, observe and have our minds free of the routine for a short while.

Here are 3 ways to take a Five minute small break en route:

1. Car- tune to a station with music no lyrics and take 5 minutes with the window open to feel the air on your skin and listen while you observe your surroundings.

2. Drop offs- as you are dropping off kids at school or picking up your groceries or laundry take 5 minutes to give your mind a break from the rush and observe while you step out of your car- feel the air,  look up at the sky and take in the cooling temperatures before continuing with your tasks.

3. At work-whether at the beginning, middle or end of your work day find 5 minutes to open the windows or step outside.  A short walk, your beverage refill or a chat with a colleague while being outside can help revive you for the remainder of your day.


With each changing season, it is helpful to take time to reflect on what was and is that is calling our spirits.  We may be starting a new job, recently married or taking on a challenge in this season that we have never done before.  Our spirits need the space to explore how these changes are for us.  We can cultivate a reflective opportunities into our day with nature to be in dialogue with our spiritual selves.  While attending to our daily routines, we may take a moment and guide our spirits into reflection.  Consider a question or a feeling as you engage your senses with the elements of nature that you come into contact with in your day.

However you find yourself opening up to the season of this calendar year, may you take a moment to be with your natural environment and support your body, mind and spirit in the health.

In health,


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