Autumn Seasonal Cooking Tips: 3 Foods to Enjoy

It is truly that season when every bit of tree-lined branch and valley is full of rich hues of saffron, curry and orange marmalade. Yes I dream in foods when my eyes set on those beautiful trees and their glorious colored leaves.  It’s so alive and full of wonder.  Here in the Berkshires it’s as if we are living in a painting by Renoir, or Monet and I am all to grateful for it.  So in celebration of this new season I find myself returning to the kitchen with new seasonings, and routines to comfort and fill me with pleasurable meals.

The season of Autumn is one that particularly requires digestive attention.  In Chinese medicine this is the season of the large intestine and the lungs.  Not to surprising as you may often find yourself in conversations with people and learn of their ailments directed in this area.  It’s ironic that we celebrate “Thanksgiving” at this time of year which usually culminates in a large feast.  Our bodies and minds are centering, gathering and becoming store houses for the season to follow.

Seasonal cooking for Autumn bears in mind the harvest.  During this time of year you can visit your local farms and fresh produce markets and find them full of opportunities for creativity.  Depending on your region, there can be any number of vegetables that are local to your area.  Typically you will find plenty of squashes of various types such as acorn, butternut, kabocha, carnival and spaghetti.    These are all wonderful to have at this time and can be easily prepared.

Squash- Large- Often people will shy away from buying the large varieties simply to avoid having to cook them.  They can seem overwhelming in their size and their tough outer skin makes them less appealing to cook.  But there is an easy way to prep your squash.  I take the whole squash and steam it as it.  Put the squash in a pot with some water 1/4 way full and let it steam.  It will inevitably soften and then you can easily cut it.  You can use this as a base for a soup, or cut it up into pieces and use as a side dish.  I particularly like adding a topping of umeboshi plum paste, water and flaxseed oil.  Mix together in a small dish and drizzle on top.  Deliciously buttery.

Whole Oat Groats-Unprocessed- As we move into the season we recognize the need to take in heat and maintain our bellies in comfort.  One easy way to begin a morning in this way is to ensure your breakfast is full of warming nourishing foods.  An easy go to that I enjoy are oats.  The oats that I purchase are whole oat groats.  These can be found online although some stores have begun to carry them.  They contain all the elements of the grain from its seed to its husk (outer husk removed) and therefore have not be modified in any way as is with the steel-cut oats and oatmeal varieties that are plentiful.  A crock pot, some water and a dash of salt put on overnight and in the morning you are good to go.

Apples-Any which way-The plentiful season of the summer with its warming temperatures late into September have created a bounty of apples in this region.  Its offerings are well-known to us all and I can’t help but find myself drawn to stewing and making any number of apple dressings for my meals.  I particularly enjoy them with my oats in the morning and keep a nice batch of apple sauce in the fridge to spread on rice cakes or eat right out of the jar.

So as we open this season and our kitchens I hope you will include these in your pantries and fridge and find yourself enjoying the rich offerings of the Autumn with these new foods of the season.  I will continue to share more foods and tips as we continue with the season.  You will also find posted recipes.

In health,



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