Today I got an email from a friend I had been longing to hear from. I sent a gift off to him and when I didn’t hear back I began to create fictious reasoning in my head for why I had not heard from him. I went about my days preoccupied with these thoughts and found myself trying to rationalize what had happened and giving into the gloom I created about the relationship.
Turns out he had changed his address. I learned about it as I was given a beautiful reply with a gift of his creativity as a thank you for what I had sent. It came just as I was sending the message to the universe a thank you and acknowledging my actions I had been taking to reach out to friends and reconnect. The email was my reward.
I realized in that moment the beautiful manner by which the universe answers our questions when we allow the time and energy to evolve as its meant to. Allowing ourselves to be with time and energy where they activate in our lives with “grace” is not a easy task especially when we have intended outcomes that we are hoping for.
This can be especially true when we are ill and find ourselves wanting to hurry the course of treatment, health changes or healing path we are following.
When we move with “grace” we are intentionally saying to ourselves and the universe that in effect “I know what, God knows how.” I use “God” here to describe the universe as a whole; that “other” power that circumvents through our live each day and navigates our focus without our doing. It is the unseen and unheard energy of what makes for our day to be completely unexpected; what makes for us to feel good about our day or bad. We take care of ourselves by taking time to check-in and see some of the very important components of our lives that come to focus when we take note of grace in our lives.
Moving with grace is synonymous with love, compassion, celebrating, cherishing all what makes for joyful living.
As much as we may create a plan and an intention for ourselves, there is the undeniable fact that we are only in control of so much. For some this may send fear running down your spine which is common. When we are able to see that in this there is a letting go that naturally provides us with the balance to allow us to let go and be less concerned we create the space for wellness. This is “grace.”
We dissolve the stress of trying to have it all line up and work out just as we want it to and forgive ourselves before the day has begun that we will place our best intentions forward and leave the rest alone.
This is an opportunity to focus our healthy energy to where it is best served. Reminding ourselves that we are good, we are full of life and that we are wonderful spirits here on this earth to create our best selves and however this should come about in our day and in the totality of our lives we embrace it with “grace”. By creating a pathway for this in our lives we are moving in unison with our best selves and allows for things to manifest in their own time.
We don’t waste time on what is unimportant or unknown to us and focus ourselves on the ever important moment to moment.
By doing so we are practicing healthy ways of being good to ourselves and others. We may find that when we do we appear less worried, concerned, agitated and that others will begin to see and comment with complements about our well being. We may also find that we are interacting in our environment with more ease. Things seem to come to us when we need them and dissolve when they no longer serve our best interests.
I had two wonderful encounters this week with people that shared how I had “made their day” or were a positive influence in their life. I know that I would not have been able to receive such appreciation had I not been in the time and space to receive them. I was able to take these messages in and embody them as encouragement. I went forward with my day feeling good about myself and the tasks at hand.
I was reminded in these moments that as I take time to be and move myself through life at a pace that resonates “grace,” I create the opportunity to interact with others with positive loving energy. By doing so, I feel fulfilled and in unison with my purpose.
In health,