Forgiveness of Self: Healing

Many of you readers might have found your way to my blog within your own health journey.  I appreciate that you are seeking to give yourself an opportunity to learn healing practices that may benefit you.  I, myself continue on such a path with a constant curiosity for what may be out there that I have yet to learn and incorporate into my routine.

As much as I have gained from reading and talking with people within the field of health and healing; the most insightful practices have come from my own examination of myself.  Recently, I found my way to a portal that I did not know I needed to enter for myself: that of forgiveness.

I have in the course of these many years found myself looking at my life; the people and circumstances that may have contributed to my condition.  With ulcerative colitis, it is often said that people suffering with such have a propensity to be sensative, quiet with their emotions and may have experienced tramas in their life that lay buried in their gut.

I have done extensive work to unravel these for clues into my health.  Some have proven to be helpful and served as a clearing towards better ways of managing stress, communicating with others and organizing my time. It has also allowed me to revisit relationships with fresh eyes and look at my history with a better understanding of the people who I have loved.

Within this has been a thread of forgiveness.  Forgiveness I have learned is an essential component to allowing one to move forward without the burden of carrying the past with you.  To forgive another person is to release them and yourself from what no longer serves you and open yourself to new beginnings.  Our intention in forgiving is what is important.  If done with this purpose of allowing ourselves to grow and with the conviction that it is our spirit that will be enlightened; we do so with our hearts wide open.

What I have recently discovered is the need to forgive myself.  Thought I had spent time in the act of forgiving others I had not looked the need I had to forgive myself.  How I may have been harboring expectations of myself that have gone unmet and the disappointment of such that I have carried.

When we find ourselves struggling with illness, we are angry.  We are angry at circumstances and perhaps others we may think contributed to our feeling unwell.  What we may not know is that we also may feel angry at ourselves.  We may wish we had made different choices for our lives along the way, and now as we face healing wish we were better equipped at handling our illness.

Forgiving ourselves and unleashing this from our body and mind is essential.  We need to allow ourselves to be human.  We are fragile.  We are full of life’s gifts of unknown potential.  We do the best that we can to take care of ourselves at every moment of our lives with the information that we are given. As long as we stay concious of how well we are treating ourselves with positive loving thoughts and seek to share moments with others in caring and supportive ways- we participate in a daily practice of forgiveness and acceptance.  This creates health.

May you take a quiet moment in your day and reflect on the act of forgiveness.  By this very act you may grow to learn new ways to open yourself up to the possibilities of your life rich with good health.

In health,




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