To Do List: Emotional, Physical and Spiritual Health

Every day we have the privilege of making choices for ourselves as to what we do with our day and how we go about it.  Within each of these choices is a nugget of power, our own of which we send out and utilize to engage in our lives.  When we make a choice with intention, we are purposefully aligning ourselves with the energy within and asking “Is this choice helpful to my emotional, physical or spiritual well-being?”

You may notice that I did not include “mental”.  I purposefully didn’t include “mental” because I find in my own life that I utilize this aspect of myself far to often and don’t leave time for the other parts of myself.  I also find that when I engage in these other 3 areas, I open up my “mentality” and exercise my thoughts.  However, if you wish, please include it as part of an aspect of your being for reflection when making choices in your day.

When we begin with the question,  “Is this choice helpful to my emotional, physical or spiritual well-being?”, we find that we can make healthy choices.  By practicing this throughout our day we can see that when we take time to reflect, that our choices led us to outcomes that were meaningful and congruent with ourselves.

An easy way to start to incorporate this methodology is when creating list of things to do’s for the day.  With each item you write down, ask yourself this question.  Review the list before you commit to it and see if you find it heavily weighed in one direction or another. Is it balanced?

If for example you have on your list, “wash clothes, go for a run, pick up laundry” you might find that all 3 are physical. Though a “run” might meet your needs mentally, physically and spiritually you might find yourself exhausted at the end of the day without having gained the full aspect of what you were seeking in the “run”.

Perhaps, you would include “sit down with a cup of tea” in your list to allow yourself some spiritual time-being quiet, still and reflective.   Or you might choose another physical activity such as yoga, or pilates that would allow you to meet your physical need while being less strenuous on your body, leaving you with energy to complete the other items on your list.

There are many ways we can take time to include a choice that will meet our emotional, physical and spiritual health needs.  We have the tools within ourselves to created a day that brings the opportunity to engage with ourselves in a healthy manner.

Share your list of to do and how you find ways to fulfill these needs in your every day life.


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