NY Storm Delays My Blogs: Thanks for your patience and stay tuned…

Hi Everyone,

Thank you for continuing to visit my blog as I have been absent from blogging.

I live in New York and I think you would have to be living some place far remote should you not be aware of the storm that we have had.

I am still without power at my residency, though happily found myself at the wonderful library that has regained power in my neighborhood.

Its been remarkable how kind and considerate everyone has been through this process as people lend themselves to others for support.   I hope that should you or others that you know have been challenged by these circumstances that you have found people equally as generous as they reach out and provide reassurance.

Look forward to a new blog this week!  Please note that I have not as of yet read the comments that have been posted, but hope to get to them in due time.

In health,


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