Curry for Joint Pain

In an article published in The Wall Street Journal in their Health and Wellness section entitled “Flavor in Curry Favored by Some for Joint Pain” (see article here), the author Laura Johannes writes about the scientific spark of interest in alternative therapies for arthritis.  One in particular has been turmeric.

Tumeric, or curcumin its yellow coloring has long been used in India as a anti-inflammatory by both traditional and ayurvedic practitioners.  Its properties extend far and wide to address inflammation pain related symptoms.  Recently its properties have come under the attention of of medical practitioners and studies have been published to its effectiveness in treating arthritis patients who may suffer for physical side effects of taking their standard medications.

The question of its bioavailability in its dietary supplementary form has its quality measure levels varying.  The bioavailability is how when its consumed by the body it is actually received into the system.  One company Arjuna Natural Extracts Ltd, has created BCM-95 a form of curcumin extract that it claims enhances its bioavailability as its make with a particular essential oil.

The study that reviewed this BCM-95 product discovered that by using it at a particular dosage along with Boswellia another anti-inflammatory substance its effectiveness was measurable in treating knee pain and tenderness often treated with a drug called celecoxib and other comparable drugs mentioned in the article.

I have used tumeric as an anti-inflammatory in my own health pursuits.  I sprinkle it on everything from my quinoa to vegetables.  It goes particularly well with sweet potatoes and is a lovely way to add a little bite to your dish without the heavy curry flavoring that other more pungent spices might carry.

So if you would like to get a leg up on some anti-inflammatory natural alternatives, consider tumeric.  Caution is suggested in using curcumin if gallstones are problematic as detailed in the article.

Share your experience with this wonderful spice and recipes that may be in your closet for anti-inflammation.


4 Responses to Curry for Joint Pain

  1. Sasha says:

    I just made white bean and pumpkin soup and added some curry. It is great added to almost any soup. I love any type of squash soup with curry. Yummy! Thanks for the reminder.

  2. safara says:

    So happy to hear that the information you received through the blog has been helpful for your family.

    In health,

  3. safara says:

    Thanks very much glad that you are finding the good facts useful and sharing it with others.

    In health,

  4. safara says:

    So happy to hear that you have found a place to come and gain information that has been useful to you.
    Your very kind to extend your story and thanks to me.
    Welcome and due visit often.
    May healing be with you.

    In health,

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