Girl Time is Healing Time

My dear friend Sasha just came to visit me for a wonderful long weekend.  It is with her in mind that I write this blog and dedicate it, knowing and feeling how rejuvenated I feel from our time together.

Friendships are formed between people on a number of different levels and purposes.  Sometimes the longevity of the relationship is only realized twenty years after the fact (as with mine with Sasha) as you reflect on the times spent at various phases of your life.

A good friend finds their way through the crevasse of your life and heals you when you most need them too, with words, gentle care and loving messages of life energy.  Their voices like instruments sing and call into focus your heart at times when you feel most alone and afraid which is often during times when we are unwell.

What we have available to us in our closest friendships is a spiritual gift.  Its a gift that comes from opening up your heart center and sharing of yourself without hesitation and with a sense of liberation.  When we practice opening our minds and hearts to others we practice a form of healing as we send the message to ourselves that we are important, that what we feel is important and that we need to be loved.  We are opening the doorway to our inner guide, trusting ourselves to find our way through the prisms of our mind and spirit that may have left us spellbound in negativity.

Friendships that command us to peer into ourselves honestly and question our motives, intentions and values are ones we can rely on to guide us through our lives.  Healing takes an act of courage, a genuine commitment to strengthening our well-being and grounding ourselves towards creating balance in our life.  Spending quality time with friends who encourage you in this direction are central to supporting your very highest self, the self that loves and is loved by others, the formula for healthy relationships.

Friends are indeed food for the soul and the flowers in our garden. Share your reflections on your friends and how they have brought a renewed sense of self to you when you needed it most.

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