Creating “You” Space

It seems like an easy task, we ask that people understand that we are in need of some ME time and we get it.  But asking for our space, designating time for yourself and creating space that is 100% you can be a challenge.

When we find ourselves overspent either by way of illness, exhaustion or any other way that we end up feeling depleted, its time to step back and ask yourself what would be the healthy and helpful way to give yourself some much needed TLC (tender loving care).  We may begin by asking ourselves some questions about what would give us some temporary relief from our situation.  Maybe we reach out to others to help us follow through on this need and place ourselves in their hands for assurance, guidance perhaps even their company.

Recently a friend of mine shared how she was going away with a friend of hers who was a mother.  She needed time away from her little one (baby) and big one (papa) and asked that my friend take care of all the arrangements for their getaway and she would follow along gladly.  My friend took it upon herself to plan a nice girls weekend away for them both to enjoy.

Expressing to our loved ones that we are in need of our space is a good way of keeping ourselves in tuned while staying connected within our relationships.  We may find it challenging at first to share our needs, it may come out like a declaration of independence or a long mellow dramatic scene.   However, the more we practice tuning in and speaking up on our behalf for “our time” we begin to set in place patterns of healthy communicating that will permeate through many aspects of our lives.

Once expressed the fun can begin!  Here are some ideas for creating your space that I have used myself from time to time.

1. Tea time- create a time each day when you dedicate yourself to reaching out to a friend or loved one, share of yourself, give yourself the space to express via phone, email or give the old-fashioned hand written letter a try (my all time favorite).

2. My Weekday- dedicate one day a week when you are off duty!  Perhaps this means you are free from chores, trade parent pick up the kids from school duty, order in food and reserve bedtime for just you.

3. Little Getaway- sometimes we think getaway and we immediate imagine ourselves on a beach with a tall drink and white sand and dismiss it as a forever fantasy, but we don’t have to travel far to getaway.  Ask yourself is there a local art museum you’ve been wanting to visit, a quiet oasis in a park or near a lake that is in your area, or maybe you nestle yourself in a bookstore for a few days and read to your hearts content.

There are many ways to create space for you, the important part is to make it a part of your healthy routine and find ways to be kind to yourself and repay yourself for the abundance of good energy you exude each day.

How do you create space for you?

2 Responses to Creating “You” Space

  1. Paulina says:

    I can’t believe I’ve been going for years wtihout knowing that.

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