Tuning In

There are many ways in which life seems to call forth our attention to its rhythm and ask us to tune in.  Sometimes its by way of us experiencing life’s unexpected joys, like the birth of a baby or an opportunity to reunite with our families.

These times can often bring us to a new sense of hope and understanding about how life ebbs and flows and unfold a new purpose to our lives beyond what we imagined.  This can also happen very much in the same way when we discover we have a health condition.

Our bodies are receptors to the universe, active listeners receiving through our senses and channelling through our feelings and physical sensations.  When we are unwell, our bodies are working to give us messages, calling our attention to refocus our energies and become self-reflective.  I once hear it described as a “phone call” as if our bodies are sending us an invitation to pick up the phone and dial in to ourselves.

It is an opportunity to ask ourselves questions about the choices we are making in our lives and the direction we are going, seek out guidance from our inner selves.   Our bodies may be calling us to evaluate at what pace we are living our lives. Are we running through life, to focused on doing, neglecting our needs as human “beings” to be?  Are we channeling our energies towards positive adventures that will lead us to discover more about who we are?  Do we live consciously in our daily lives, through words and actions with an intention to love rather than to fear?

These are some of the questions that I found myself asking about when I became ill and have continued to refer to whenever I feel out of balance with life.  I give thanks for having awakened through illness to my body and the opportunity to listen more to my inner self.  I ask more questions than ever before about life and with this find my healing progressing.

What messages have you been getting from your body lately that have you considering life’s important questions?  Please share.



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