Being Kind to Yourself

I’ve heard it been said that how you nourish your body is as important as what you put into your body to nourish it.  I find this statement to be very true especially when it comes to how we talk to ourselves while we make choices about food.

Too often I hear people criticize themselves over what they are eating.  They make a choice to eat something that they would enjoy and find themselves in the same mouthful shaking their heads in disappointment of themselves.

How can you really enjoy the experience of what you are eating with negativity in your mind and heart?

Separating our mind and body in the act of eating is one of the ways we disconnect ourselves from our digestive process.  We use our minds to discriminate against ourselves and turn off our cravings.  At the same time we do this we ignore the opportunity to utilize our minds in the spirit of good health, as a sources of encouragement, wisdom and reassurance.

When we choose to find meaningful words of praise to acknowledge how and what we eat we are doing ourselves a lot of good.  We are taking responsibility for what we are eating and how that processes occurs in our body.  We are reminding ourselves of the joy that comes from the act of eating and giving thanks for the physical and emotional satisfaction that we are fortunate enough to enjoy in our daily lives.

So when you find yourself eating and your mind begins to wander to negative places that reprimand you and make you feel guilt or negativity, remind yourself that this will only serve to take away from the pleasure of what you are experiencing and leave you hungry for more.  Your emotional satisfaction is directly linked to your health.

So eat with a good spirit about you and be kind to yourself as you make choices about how and what you eat knowing you will be all the more healthy in body and mind for it.  Eat from a place of enjoyment and good energy, encourage your digestive process and provide support to your body to maintain a healthy well-being.

What words do you use when eating and how does it affect the pleasure of your eating experience?


6 Responses to Being Kind to Yourself

  1. Aldo says:

    First you have to be committed to what you are going to do like that chart idea you sgutesged. Make sure that you read the nutrition label and get proper serving sizes to make graphing easier i.e. a handful, half a bowl, and things like that. Meaning if you eat something eat a full serving size of it to be more precise. To keep away pounds eat only 70 grams of fat and about 3000 calories a day. That will ensure no more weight gain. The carbs provide energy ,but too many carbs can contribute to weight gain. So eat only 3 slices of bread the whole day. As for the rewards it’s good to reward yourself when you accomplish your goal. If you can’t meet your goal and you did your best than just stay home and plan what you will eat for tomorrow. Don’t think about not eating food for any amount of days because we need at least 1000 calories a day to maintain your energy levels. Plus do it too many days and you’ll get malnutrition. So, make a chart of what you eat, get precise portions, don’t go over 70 grams of fat and 3000 calories, and last but not least if you over eat don’t feel bad just plan what you will eat tomorrow, and if you under eat just eat anything that won’t go over the limit too much or not at all preferably. This is what I think u should do for your problem.

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