Our Perceptions, Our Reality

There is a new film out that has captured my attention on many levels, most particularly to how I visualize myself living life.  The movie is called “People vs The State of Illusion” and the trailer can be accessed at this link.

The movie demonstrates the power of our minds through the act of telling a story of how one mans careless decision lands him in jail only to find himself less imprisoned in his cell than he was when he was free living in the outside world.  Directed in the same light as the film “What the Bleep Do We Know” you will find similar casts reflecting on the ideas of quantum physics in relationship to our perceptions on reality.

This movie asks us to consider how we can become victims of our negativity by living our life with these unhealthy thoughts as our reality.  It asks us to consider how we can break this cycle and look to develop healthier means by which we communicate with our internal selves and those we interact with.

I found the concepts developed in this film a good reinforcement for that which I know to be true about my own self such as when  I am living out my day without giving myself time to reflect on how I feel I feel disconnected.  I become  moody and out of sorts with the rhythm of my day.  Often this can manifest itself into a cycle of feeling and acting disgruntled.  That is when I know I am out of sync with what is the truth of the reality as I am experiencing it.

We all find ourselves in these moments of disillusion as we divide our days between the conversations we have internally and the interactions we partake in within our community.  This film is a useful tool for self-reflection that can benefit anyone seeking to improve their power to become their own conductor to their symphony, which is their life.

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