End of August: Inventory and Prep Time

Healthy Summer Trekkers,

It’s the end of August?! How did it happen.

For many of us this time of year begins to stir the anticipation of what will be our coming Fall.  We can feel the air begin to cool in our evenings, perhaps depending on where we live, a few leaves in our walking/biking path may have already had their full color transformations.  You can incorporate this beginning awareness to upcoming change before you go into the transformation of the season.  Take these last weeks of August to check in with what you can bring from the season of summer, light, warmth and active energy into yourself to bring into the cooling temperatures of the upcoming fall.  What warmth of creativity, relationships, foods have you discovered in your summer season?  Allow yourself to enjoy the full rich warmth of the summer sun these next weeks while attending to preparations for seasonal change.

Internally, it’s a good time to check in with yourself and see what is by focusing in on ourselves and what this summer season has brought forward to you and what in it can be helpful to moving ahead.  This self-inventory process I like to look at from an emotional, physical, spiritual and creative perspective.

Emotional- We may find that the summer had us out and about meeting new people and creating new opportunities for relationships.  We may have traveled and discovered a like-minded soul friend.  What did this person elicit in you?  What parts of yourself were opened up?  How did this moment in time provide a glimpse into yourself and the life you are leading.  Review your journal and see what you may have written about yourself.  

Physical- For some of us the warmth of the season with the high temperatures and heat creates a much-needed change to opening our body and especially our bellies to relax.  When temperatures are low, we can tense up and constrict.  Others may have found it oppressive as per our conditions; if we are dealing with recovery and heavy laden medications that cause us to feel off balanced; the heat can add pressure.  We may have changed our diet and foods during this season and found some beneficial properties to support our system.  Perhaps a few savory delights or flavors can be brought into the season ahead. Depending on how you withstood the season, take a moment to check in with your body and see what areas have found relief and where constrictions may still remain.  This will give you a good insight into steps you can take for the season ahead.

Spiritual-Summer finds its way to having a spiritual element in our lives in one way or another if we pay attention to it.  We may be called to as I,  to use Mother Nature as our resource during this time more than ever to feel the spiritual guides of our being.  I love the ocean and anything water-bearing.  It is there that I find myself most at home and when I get the opportunity to “go home” I meet my spiritual heart with rich givings.  Where did you find yourself having a spiritual ah-ha moment?  What did it reveal to you.  Take note and take in the signs you were given.

Creative-As we bring in the light, air, warmth, colors and fragrances of the summer season we may find images that call us to wonder.  These images can be wonderful inspiration to creative en devours.  Perhaps we paint, write, read or use other tools that speak for us when we seek to express ourselves.  What were they for you in this season?  What did you express?  What tools do you hope to use in the Fall? 

All of this can be very beneficial to establishing your health.  With awareness on these levels we open the new season giving ourselves a chance obtain the gifts of what we have experienced and prepare ourselves with openness to what lies ahead.

In health,


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