Seasonal Change- Exercise Body Awareness

This autumn has been so beautiful, one at least for my eyes that has left me wondering if I have ever witness such beauty in this season to this richness before.  It has transferred into my love of cooking and being outdoors as well as my palate for all things home.  What I love about the autumn is the full burst of everything and then the slow change that occurs before us and leaves us at the end of the season hoping for its return.  As one woman said so beautifully the other day, a leaf was falling and said to her ” Don’t be sad, I will return next year.”

As we take a look around us and appreciate the season we do ourselves good practice to observe internal changes as well.  Taking inventory of our bodies and finding out just what we may need to create a balanced space for ourselves with the season takes mindfulness.  It means finding opportunities to be with the stillness and the transition.

Body Scan-One way to check in with your body is to do a body scan.  A body scan is an overview of your body organs and systems.  This can be done with the use of your mind and focused energy.  You can begin any place you like, typically starting at either the crown of your head or your feet can be an easy way to ensure you move through your body without too much pressure on your imagination.  Focusing on light, gathering it in places where you might have an injury or pain can help open these spaces.

Belly Check In Mantras-  Our bellies are storages spaces for our emotions.  They often harbor deep grief and other worrisome thoughts.  This is often why when we are feeling unease we take our hands and place them on our belly.  We may feel pain and ache or have symptoms in this region.  One good way to address these is to begin a dialogue with your belly through a mantra or breathing exercise.  For example, you may take 5 deep breathes slowly, filling your belly first and then moving up your chest.  As you do, ask yourself what you feeling, what can you do to help and wait. .predicted with the season though I have to say its been unusually warm thus far for Autumn, we are slowing transitioning in lowered temperatures.

Body Scrub- The warmth of a bath can create a wonderful welcome to your body and spirit.  It is a place I often go to when I need to think or be a t peace with myself.  Keeping the body and particularly the belly warm is important to maintain in the cold temperatures.  Soothing baths can bring this to your body and relax inviting the energy to flow.  This is a good time to do a body scrub.  Taking a small towel, roll it and ring it out.  Start at your feet and work along your whole body including your face.  As you do you are bringing new energy to your blood vessels and the sensors on your skin are being revitalized.

Take these body awareness exercises as compassionate acts you can use to give to yourself in the balance through seasonal change.

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