It used to be my wallet; some cash and my identification that made me stop at the front door and scurry through my purse to make sure I had these in hand. Not anymore, I’ve traded in these important pieces of information to one that I find equally deserving of my attention and often first on my list of priorities before leaving the house. It’s called SNACKS.
I cannot stress how important having something with me to eat at all times has become essential for my well-being when I leave the house. I usually consider how many hours I plan to be gone and what I might be doing and where. I ask myself if I can and will find the time to sit down and eat something at a restaurant or if this is going to be one of those days where I don’t touch down and land myself at a table till I am home. Regardless of either scenario there are a few staples that I find make for a good chance I will not be stranded without something to eat.
Here are some that work for me:
1. Kamut puffs or cakes
2. Almonds, sesame seeds or pumpkin seeds (or a nice mixture of all three)
3. Boxed Hemp milk & protein powder pack- packaged isn’t ideal but it will get you through
4. Quinoa with mixed veggies-doesn’t smell or leak
5. Sweet potatoes cut up-easy to pop
6. Cut up veggies- any and all kind, and depending on where you are going hummus ain’t bad
7. An avocado- good for a meal out when you need something to add to your salad
Depending on where you are at with your body and UC will determine what snacks will work for you. You know yourself and what works for you, so choose a few snacks from your kitchen and make sure to eat them before you reach the point of feeling so tired and fatigued from your day. It can take the worrisome level of being outside your comfort zone out of your day and allow you to keep enjoying your day, which is really what is important after all.
Share your favorite snacks on the go, I could always use a few more stashed in my bag.