Butternut Squash 3 Ways

As we step into March, the winds of change are coming to greet us as we witness the soon to be seasonal new beginnings.  These next few weeks are a chance to say thank you to a season of winter that has provided the necessary opportunities to be mindful.  It is also a chance to enjoy the final seasonal delights of the winter harvest.

One such is the butternut squash; a delicious hearty vegetable that along with other winter squashes like acorn and spaghetti make for wonderful dishes throughout the season.

Butternut squash is a naturally sweet squash, subtle in flavoring and smooth texture to the palate.  It is a squash that lends itself nicely to soups, puree and as a side vegetable to a dish abundant in leafy greens.

A note on preparation of butternut squash:  Many people shy away from such vegetables because of the preparation.  We look at the large rounded vegetable with tough skin and it seems too much of a hassle to prepare.  One method I learned about from my dear mother-( an outstanding healthy cook :)) is to steam it in hot water before cutting it open.  This can be done by placing it in a large heavy pot with a lid.  The skin will become nice and soft and easy to remove along with the seeds and stem.

Soup- Butternut squash- once prep, butternut squash can be added along with bay leaf (or kombu), onions, leeks to create either a base to a soup or added to an already prepared soup.  If you skip the prep and decide to start from uncooked simply add it to the pot once you have put in the other ingredients.  One nice combination I have enjoyed is to combine it with potatoes and springs of parsley or basil and celery.  Simple and delicious.

Puree- Butternut squash-once prep, butternut squash is easily ready for a puree.  Take butternut squash once cooled and transfer to a blender or a food mixer.  To enjoy as a mashed variety to your meal as would a potato, you wont need to add much to make it taste, and I myself like it plain.  You can add left over beans, vegetables as well to make it hearty and use this as a thick sauce for a pasta dish.  If you eat fruits with your meals, add some cooked fruits like apples or pears; will enhance its already sweetness or provide a tart complement to its flavoring.

Side Vegetable- Butternut squash-once prep- butternut squash can be cut into half-moon pieces.  With the seeds scooped out, it is ready for you to enjoy.  Drizzling a bit of umeboshi paste mixed with water and flax or any other nut or seed oil makes a delicious buttery topping.

So enjoy yourself to a nice bit of butternut squash or any other variety as a tribute to the season.  You’ll be happy you found a sweet opportunity to do so.

In health,


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