Setbacks: An opportunity to Sit Back

When we find ourselves experiencing a setback we can at times take this to mean we have failed.  We may belabor on what we did wrong, how did we get here and what were the events in our lives that created the backward slide.

The truth is that amongst all those reflections is the underlying importance of what your temporary retreat may actually mean.  It may be a backdrop to the larger scene that is taking place before your very eyes; an opportunity to sit back and reflect as part of your healing journey.

It is tempting to take what happens to us as as either bad or good.  But it is rare that anything that we have enjoyed as part of our life has not come without some hard work and bumps along the road.  Your journey of healing is on-going as is life and that means that it is going to be filled with many twists and turns as you constantly give your best effort to creating a healthy self.  How you handle your set back and treat yourself in the process is key to staying on the path.

Setbacks are an opportunity to take time for yourself.  They are moments when we can take a page from our notebooks and begin to look around ourselves.  It can be an invitation to learn more about ways we can consider our health from a different angle, new ways to take care of our well-being.

We can create the environment for our setback to become our own personal retreat.  This can be done by setting up your days with as many opportunities to self-reflect and encourage your spirit to become in tune with your body.  Our lives are filled with constant noise, and when setbacks happen, as they always do, we can take our minds away from the noise and focus inward.

When we do so with kindness, our setbacks become purposeful and have an endpoint that we can then move forward from with appreciation for what we experienced. We can start by being aware of our needs.  Then ask what we can do to help ourselves .

Are we in need of a moment of silence?  Can we find a quiet moment in our day at home, take a walk, be near water or just submerge ourselves in a long bath.  Do we have a friend we can call, share what’s on our mind and enjoy a moment of togetherness?  Are there foods that we can bring into our diet that comfort our bellies and give our digestive process a break?

What can we look forward to including in our day that would lead us to becoming more at peace within ourselves? Perhaps a good book we have not read, a visit to our spiritual sanctuary or a moment with nature.

So when you are experiencing a setback in your life and your ready to blame yourself, take a step back and sit back into it and allow yourself to be comforted by what the opportunity can reveal for you.


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