Being Healthy: Going At Your Own Pace

When we begin to recognize our health needs we include practicing our listening skills by paying attention to our physical, emotional and spiritual needs.  Each time we invite ourselves to be more healthy, our bodies require us to clue into ourselves more closely.  They ask us to find our own rhythm and pace.  Paying attention to what we need in the moments of our day can be a challenge as we are faced with the rapidness of our daily lives.

Going at your own pace takes courage because there are so many reasons to give up our natural rhythm and trade our own pace for the more prevalent fast pace that has come to be our lives.  Everything in our daily lives ask us to push ourselves to multitask and to find ways to get more accomplished in as little time as possible.  This in turn creates a level of consciousness within our mind that constantly challenges us with self-sabotaging messages that question how effective we may be at our tasks.

We begin to ask ourselves, “Why can’t  I talk on our cell phones, do the grocery shopping and feed our child propped up in the shopping cart all at the same time?” As much as we may know this is impossible to do, we will push ourselves to find a way to do it.  This practice creates undue stress and anxiety in our lives that transfers to our health.

Evidence that we are habitually ignoring our own pace are revealed to us as we go about our day.  We may find ourselves fatigued at the beginning of our day even after a good nights sleep.  Dragging ourselves about and seeking energy we will naturally gravitate towards sweets and simple carbohydrates to get us going and keep us functioning.   When we find that our bodies are asking us to slow down in the middle of the tenth task of the day, we will chug some coffee to get us to the evening.  Meeting up with our families at the dinner table we are exhausted and unable to focus so we excuse ourselves, and  eventually crash at our bedside.  By the end of the day we have accomplished very little to support our well-being and our health has been ignored.

So what are some things we can do to avoid our day turning out like this?  We can begin by checking in with ourselves as begin and end our day.  Ask ourselves how am I feeling today?  What would I like to gain for myself out of this day?  As we retire we can write a short list of the highlights and low lights of our day.  Reflections.  We can also take time in our day to slow ourselves down.  Perhaps a moment spent outside to breathe in the crisp air a few times and look up at the trees as they sway to renew our bodies with oxygen and center our thoughts.  Or in the middle of a task we can ask ourselves if this is what we need to be doing with our time?  Can it wait and can we make room for a little time to appreciate ourselves.

So take your pace into consideration as you begin your day.  Going at your own pace is essential to maintaining your health.  Share how you help yourself go at your own pace in your daily life and lets encourage one another to listen

In health,



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