Body in Motion Within Stillness of Winter

Yes here we are in the midst of February with the sun at its peak, the snow gently and sometimes fiercely falling out of the sky to our door steps and beyond.  As each snow fall comes we find ourselves retreating further into the home and finding a number of missed opportunities to be out and about.  This is ok, it is part of the season’s calling and we should not make judgment on ourselves for having done so.

However, if you feel like you would like get your body in motion there are plenty of ways you can do so without needing to brace the cold frigid airs.

One I particularly enjoy is engaging my body in movement in any which way I feel…and guess what its free! hehe

Movement exercises can be done to music or without.  I personally love putting on some tunes and letting my body flow.

Music-What type of music you choose is up to you.  It can be rhythmic to the sounds of careful repeated notes and tunes that flow in an endless melody.  Perhaps there is a classical music compilation that speaks to you or a more jazz or free-flow tune.  Ask yourself does what you listen to inspire you to move.  Perhaps in subtle ways, just your head or your fingertips.  It doesn’t matter where in your body you feel the rhythm just let it be.

If this feels a bit too intimidating, close your eyes and place your hands on your heart or your abdomen and just feel the rhythm resonating within you.  This may produce a gentle movement of energy and this could be just enough.

Use the Environment as Inspiration-Take a look around you.  What does your environment look like outside your window?  Does it speak of the rhythm and movement of the air above you as you watch the skies move with the winds that pass your window.  Can you follow this pattern in your own way with large sweeping movements arms raised high, feet spread apart allowing for air to circulate in and around you as you sway and swing.  What about the snow as it gently falls can you mimic this action? What does it inspire you to do with your body?

Maybe there is complete stillness to the trees and you find yourself moving in contrast to it with deliberate quick pace.  Be sure to look at colors, textures to your environment and see how they may inspire a mood or feeling that compels you to move.

Your home may also be just what you need to feel a rhythm conjured up by paintings, photos, perhaps even smells and sounds of the space you are in.  What ever brings it to you let it come and begin.

Invite Others– Once you begin to feel comfortable with enjoying your body in movement you may choose to make this an activity you want to share.  Maybe its a once a week “de-stressor” gathering for your friends.  You may want to invite just a few people over at a time.  Maybe they too would welcome the company of you and its a wonderful way to allow others to gain time being with you in a manner that can allow for a new way of interacting.

Select props that may inspire you.  Ribbons, small instruments, or wearing something that shimmer or shines that invites you to want to enjoy your body and the act of movement can be a wonderful addition.  You may also have a friend that plays an instrument or you yourself have this talent, whatever you want to express in this exercise allow for it to be a part of your movement.

If you are unable to do very much movement due to your physical conditions, don’t let this stop you.  Close your eyes and take in your space and allow your imagination to guide your body through movement.  Allow yourself to visualize your body in movement and allow yourself to feel this as a result of your mind’s eye.

Just listening to music or the stillness of the space and allowing it to resonate with you is what can give your body the opportunity for movement to come about in little or big ways.

So as the weather comes to find you surrendering to insulate yourself from it, let it happen while you create a space within your home that can be used.  Chose a space and just begin.  It may be your kitchen, living room, bedroom or even the shower.  Allow your body to flow and invite it any way it appears.  You will be glad you did, and your body will thank you for having done so.

In health,



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