Ayurveda: Useful Clues

There are many opportunities these days to learn about how we can  better improve our well-being. Health, healing, nutrition and balanced living are all apart of the mainstream culture that we live in.  Its hopeful for me; it spells the promise of people choosing to take care of themselves because they value their health.

I continue to enjoy learning more about new ways of approaching a healthy lifestyle.  One ancient form of healing used by Vedic culture of Indian medicinal practions is Ayurveda.

Ayurveda aims to place the body in balance by focusing on three main elemental substances; or Doshas. The three doshas are Pitta, Kapha and Vata.   When we find ourselves with illness and our health comprimised; Ayurveda principles state that striving for balancing these three doshas will bring you in concert with your body and back to health.

Identifying your principal dosha allows you to focus healing practices in the direction of your most needed areas.   You may also find as I have that at different points in your healing you exhibit more characteristics of one dosha or another.

We all have elements of each; but ask yourself which dominates for you. Here are some basics I choose to illuminate about each dosha.  I also included a practice for each to help support your dosha:

Pitta: Sharp, intense, strong belly, warm body.

Balancing practice:  Massage coconut oil in scalp- for a dry scalp.

Kapha: Earth, grounded, large frame, cooler body, act slow, weight gain.

Balancing practice:  Holy basil tea- clears congestion.

Vata: Movers and shakers, tendency to skip meals, energtic, active bodies, cold feet and hands, gas & bloating.

Balancing practice: Cumin, coriander and fennel- aid a dry colon.

So if you are looking for another practice to enrich your health; perhaps Ayurveda may bring some new opportunites for you to consider.

In health,


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