Your Home:A Space for Wellness, Part 1

With the cold winter season upon us we find ourselves retreating to the indoors.  We curl up in our comfy leg warmers, socks and pajama wear as soon as we get home and close the door behind us.  Many times this creates a slowing down effect on our bodies and minds as we tend to want to be less active.

The need to find ways to allow ourselves to continue to be in movement with our bodies while allowing equal time to relax and accept these seasonal effects on our energy is important. Bodies that stay limber and activated help bring healing throughout the body by allowing good blood flow.

We need this blood flow to be optimal as nutrients get distributed through the blood to our organs and help heal.  Toxins that are within our system tend to be flushed out through our blood. Physical movement of our bodies through exercise ensures this process.  When we exercise we secrete wastes through our glands and these deposits get flushed through our blood stream.

When the cold sets in; it is natural for us to find ourselves challenged with how to keep active.  Sometimes the gym is not within reach.  We are detered either physically through the acts of the wintery weather and or by our dread of having to leave our cozy homes to get there.

So while we are in our homes what kind of exercises can we perform to keep movement flowing through our bodies?

Lets look at utilizing 4 spaces typically found in a home:

1.Stairs-  If you have one or more staircases in your house, these can be used for multiple purposes.  Stairs can be used as “stairmasters”, taking each step up and down one by one then two by two.  You can challenge your thighs and buttocks to a workout by bending into the step.  Taking two steps down and one step up is said to also help keep your energy flow as part of a morning routine.

2. Wall space- Walls in your house can be used as great surface space.  Two exercises that are easy to facilitate are wall presses and leg stretches.  Wall presses can be done with your arms as push-ups done on the floor.  Spreading your hands on the wall and extending your legs behind you.  The wall press can also be done with your back up against the wall and sliding down until you come to a “chair” position with your body.  Leg stretches are a good way to relax your body from a day on your feet.  Sit  your buttocks up against the wall and raise your legs up.  Stay in this position as long as your like.

3. Chairs/Benches- Chairs and benches are a easy way to get your back muscles of your arms a good workout.  You can also do pushups on them by placing the chair against the wall so it stays firm.  Sitting in a chair and performing weight training is a comfortable and effective workout. Chair exercises can be employed for a full workout with the use of DVD.  I recently tried “Chair Aerobics for Everyone”  a set of DVDs that includes fun workouts like “Chair Salsa.”

4. Floor- Any floor in your house can be used for exercise.  Pop in a DVD or a magazine with an article on pilates, yoga, or other floor-based exercise routine.  There is an exercise plan for every level of fitness these days and usually include some part of standing or laying down to do them.

So when you find yourself too cold and or too comfortable within your home and you just don’t want to head out for your gym time, choose one of the four exercise spots in your house I list above and get your blood flowing.  Do all 4 for a complete body training.  You’ll get a cost effective workout that will provide lots of healthy reward benefits every season of the year.

Next blog, “Your Home: A Space for Wellness, Part 2”.  REMINDER: BLOGS ARE WRITTEN EVERY TWO WEEKS.  🙂


In health,



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