Garlic “the stinky rose” is for lovers

In the spirit of all things that are lovable I present you with one herb that has held a special place  in my heart, the garlic clove.  It has been referred to as the “stinking rose”, but I would be hard pressed to find how such a beauty for an herb could command any such title by way of its wonderful properties and commanding use of the senses.

Garlic is a fairly underestimated herb in its medicinal usages packed with healing properties.  It can help to clear up your cold, your sniffle, cut down your flu-like symptoms and clear out congestion and bacteria.  Its a wonderful tonic to add to your daily routine ensuring yourself with a good dose of immune support to begin your day.

Garlic is as deliciously good for you as it is good tasting.  It can be consumed a number of ways.  Its versatile, a beautiful herb to cook with as its aroma alone makes your senses tune into its aroma with an undeniable wish for more.

Uncooked and raw is how I enjoy it most of the times.  I cut up a clove and put it in my salad or combine it with ginger, sesame oil and other herbs and spices for a good dressing.  I also like to include it in my juices.   Pressing it through  my juicer it adds a bite to my veggie concoction and is particularly good with spinach, kale and a bit of lemon.  Tangy comes to mind when I think of how this meets my senses.  Alternatively, I crush it and add it to a bowl of soon to be dehydrated veggies.  Crunchy pieces of garlic mix in with veggie chips are a garlic lovers heaven.  If the thought of eating it raw doesn’t quite move you to grab one to go, consider taking a clove and a nice apple, parring a slice of apple and garlic together. Otherwise, it can always be tossed into a pan with some onions and olive oil and served as a base for steam or sauteed veggies. Add thin slices to a soup and let it do its job of bringing together your vegetables in a wonderful broth.

In the process of writing this blog, ironically enough I was listening to Lynn Rossetto Kasper on NPR’s The Splendid Table who gave her top 4 choices of garlic powder brands she enjoys.  Check it out at

So when considering your love of all things healthy and good in your kitchen, ponder on the garlic and let it find its way into your life.  It’s sure to give you and your heart a healthy dose of tlc!

Share your latest love experience with garlic and lets get acquainted.

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