A Good Cry

As we approach the end of the year we may take a moment to pause and reflect on the year that we have had and realize that it has been a milestone in its development.  I for one have had a series of new beginnings which I find happens as we embark on a path towards improving our health.  We find ourselves climbing the mountain at a steady pace, only to find a slippery rock or two along our path which tests our forward momentum and asks us to consider parts of our self we haven’t before.  We regain our sense of knowing or establish a new relationship with ourselves that finds us building stronger bridges to our emotional well-being and creating new bridges as we connect with others.

All of this can be an overwhelming reality and with this comes many feelings.  I have found myself being quite emotional about how far I have come as I am reminded of the place where I stand now, verse a year ago. With this have come tears and the cleansing of my heart and soul.  Crying is a way for the body to release the power of our emotions and express itself to us and others.  We are fortunate to have this mechanism within our physical selves and its purpose should not be ignored.

So as you find yourself reflecting on the year allow for a quiet moment alone or with those you love to allow your body and spirit to catch up with you and speak through whatever means necessary just how it feels to be standing here in the present and be able to peer at a distance into the past and yourself.

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