Foods for Grounding Energy: Winter

Good day Health Trekkers,

We are well into the season of winters cold air and snowy days.  With this comes a relinquishing to the indoor habitat for shelter and comfort.  It also beacons our energy to slow down.  This can feel stifling but if we allow this energy to flow within us it can support movement in a different way.  The way is towards more rooting, grounding and earthing of our body, mind and spirit.  Centering and bringing connections to the stillness that is in our environment can work in harmony to support our inner nature.   Yes, spring is around the corner, but until it pops up its heads with nature’s signs of daffodils we do ourselves good to flow with the winter season.   One way is to incorporate foods support grounding.

Foods that Support Grounding:

Our moods and our appetite are affected by the cold weather.  We may gravitate to sweet and dense foods that keep us warm and comfort us.  We can satisfy these cravings and food choices by choosing foods that are grounding.  This will help us also feel less scattered and overwhelmed promote stronger will power and stamina.

Whole Grains: Whole grains such as millet and brown rice are two great staples for grounding.  In the colder season, preparing a good batch of short grain brown rice can help steady your appetite.  Fifty percent of your daily portion coming from whole grains like these can help balance your cravings out.  Preparing the brown rice in a pressure cooker with 1 part rice to 4 parts water for 40 mins.

Vegetables:  Preparing ample side dishes of vegetables to your plate. Best cooking methods for winter vegetables are baked or saute, slow-simmer.   Compact, downward growing roots, cabbage, carrots, turnips.  Adding in some good burdock can strengthen your system as well.  Some raw veggies can be prepared as well.  Sturdy greens like kale, collard greens are great prepared with a light steam so that you get the most of their green vibrant energy.

Treats for Sweetness: It’s important to keep the sweetness that you crave attended to.  You can support the sweet tooth with  baked veggies like squash.  Additionally a nice creamy brown rice pudding, some mochi in the morning paired with your breakfast.  Steamed and seasoned with cinnamon and ginger apples to make a good sweet sauce this time of year.  Can be topped on the rice or eaten alone as a snack.

Hearty Proteins: Aduki beans.  A great strengthening food for kidneys are aduki  or (Adzuki) beans.  Kidney “fire” help to drive the energy support your will power and bring you the energy centered.  The energy helps support the skeletal system.  Other beans like black beans are great options.  A hearty black bean soup prepared with a bit of kombu, garlic and onions.  You can add some cilantro as a fresh herb.  Other great proteins like fish and pumpkin seeds are good options.

Miso: Choose misos of a darker variety, barley, aduki or a nice dandelion leek with mildly salty flavoring.

Sea Vegetables: Add a little sea vegetable to your dish on a daily basis is a good regular staple.

These are a few foods to help bring grounding energy into your body.  With these varieties of foods you can cultivate what your body needs and the cravings while making it satisfying.  

Hope you will enjoy trying one of these varieties as we nestle into the final winter giving.  

In health,





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